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About Legal SIG

So much of our work involves legal questions and dilemmas. This SIG works to collect and share knowledge and experience. Join the SIG and their monthly meeting with different legal topics each month.

Are you interested in becoming a volunteer? Contact Arlyta Wibowo

Other SIGs

Legal SIG Resources


Tea with ASTP: Dos and Don’ts of working with Patent Attorneys

Dos and Don’ts of working with Patent Attorneys – How to get the best value for Universities, Research Institutes and Spin-outs.In this webinar, Achim shared a few lessons and important points on how to get the most value out of your working relationship.


New Professionals Forum #7

Freddy Guemeni is Head of IP services, University of Manchester Innovation Factory. Freddy has more than 10 years experience in intellectual property management, helping to drive progress and innovation in research. His broad experience includes roles at the National Institute for Health Research and Imperial Innovations. He is also a guest lecturer at multiple universities, including Imperial College London.


New Professionals Forum #6: roles within the KT/TT

This Special Interest Group (SIG) helps new professionals navigate the diverse set of opportunities and resources available to them in the K/TT field to successfully support their professional development.

How to initiate a SIG?

Do you have a specialist interest, a burning issue, or a brilliant insight which you would like to share with the ASTP community? This guide book explains how you can initiate a Special Interest Group (SIG) with the help of HQ and your ASTP colleagues.

Download the Guide