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About BioMedical SIG

The objective of the SIG is to increase the translation of research results into solutions in human healthcare.

The aim of the SIG is to create a place to propose and discuss burning topics related to the SIG objective.

Examples of topics that we would like to explore:

  • Increase the awareness of researchers and KTOs in the bench-to-bedside process (maturation, clinical, regulatory, identification of a relevant need)
  • Increase the attractivity of early-stage research to investors
  • Transition research from preclinical to clinical
  • Train researchers and KTOs to interact and negotiate with pharma and VCs
  • Increase the sustainability of biotech/Pharma practices by drug repurposing and use of natural products
  • A subset of members of the BioMed SIG would like to create a group of stakeholders active in those fields to:
  • Identify main opportunities and challenges
    • Generate guidelines (legal, IP, preclinical, clinical, regulatory) to be used as a reference
  • Connect stakeholders with complementary needs to foster new collaborations

Are you interested in becoming a volunteer? Contact Arlyta Wibowo

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BioMedical SIG Resources

How to initiate a SIG?

Do you have a specialist interest, a burning issue, or a brilliant insight which you would like to share with the ASTP community? This guide book explains how you can initiate a Special Interest Group (SIG) with the help of HQ and your ASTP colleagues.

Download the Guide