What is the NAAC?
The National Associations Advisory Committee (NAAC) unites the 33 European National Associations (NAs) and is chaired by the ASTP Vice President NAAC, Laura Spinardi
The NAAC is an effective pipeline between the European level, the regional KTOs and their local ecosystem.
A National Association can be:
- a formal KT Association (institutional or individual memberships), or
- an informal KT association, with the intention to formalise as a National Association
What the NAAC can offer?
Each National Association plays a crucial role in the development of national knowledge transfer activities in their home country. ASTP, as a transnational association, aims at increasing the efficiency of the European innovation system, but will not be able to reach a maximum level without the support of the national associations.
The NAAC facilitates interactions with its members in the following areas:
- EU representation
- The body of knowledge (for example staff exchange, building on TT library, peer review, exchange of case studies)
- Regional capacity building knowledge transfer expertise
- European survey and impact measurement
- Professional development on European and national level, such as trainings courses
- Capacity Building National Associations (CBNA)
National Associations
- Austrian TT Network, Austria
- Reseau Lieu, Belgium
- TTO Flanders, Belgium
- Bulgarian Network of Technology Transfer (BNTT), Bulgaria
- Informal TT network, Croatia
- Transfera, Czech Republic
- Danish National Network for Technology Transfer (DNNT), Denmark
- Estonian Innovation and Business Agency
- Informal TT network, Luxembourg
- Reseau C.U.R.I.E, France
- Reseau SATT, France
- Transfer Allianz, Germany
- Praxi Network, Greece
- Technology and Knowledge Transfer Forum of Hungarian Universities, Hungary
- Iceland TT Network, Iceland
- IKTIG (Irish Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Group), Ireland
- Netval, Italy
- Informal TT network, Lithuania
- Maltese TT Network, Malta
- Association of Innovation Companies in Norway (FIN), Norway
- PACTT (Polish Network of Academic Technology Transfer Centres), Poland
- IP Management Poland, Poland
- UTEN/ GAPI (Informal network Portugal), Portugal
- Informal TT network, Serbia
- SI-TT (Association of Technology Transfer Professionals of Slovenia)
- RedOTRI, Spain
- RedTransfer, Spain
- Swedish Network for Innovation and Technology Transfer Support (SNITTS), Sweden
- The Swiss Technology Transfer Association (SwiTT), Switzerland
- Dutch KT Network, The Netherlands
- University-Industry Collaboration Centers Platform (USIMP), Turkey
- TTIRA (Technology Transfer Inter-Regional Association), Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova
- PraxisAuril, United Kingdom
What NAAC members say:
USIMP, the Turkish umbrella organisation, has been a part ASTP-NAAC since its establishment. We have immensely benefited from the interaction amongst national organisations and have been inspired by the many best practices implemented in different member states.
Fazilet Vardar Sukan,
Professor USIMP (University-Industry Collaboration Centres Platform of Turkey), Vice-President