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About Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts (SSHA) SIG

As many more universities and research institutions explore the possibilities of knowledge transfer within Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts (SSHA), this expert group keeps abreast of the latest knowledge, research and impact. 

Founded in 2015, the SSHA SIG has been at the vanguard of researching, developing and recording the latest issues surrounding knowledge transfer in the field of SSHA. Their knowledge and expereince is unsupassed in Europe. 

The SSHA SIG hosts a 30-minute webinar: SSHA and Impact Flashlight, on the first Wednesday of every month at 13:00 CET. All ASTP members are invited to join.

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Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts (SSHA) SIG Resources


The monthly online SSHA and Impact Flashlight #29

The SynSICRIS tool supports project planning via an impact pathway and a working plan bar chart. This is combined with continous, project-related monitoring of potential impact. This open source tool is intended to create benefits for innovation, transfer and sustainability in the research and funding landscape. Birge shared her developer and user experiences.


Tea with ASTP: Glimpses of the Spanish landscape, get set for 2024

Welcome to the new year and the first Tea with ASTP of 2024. As we prepare for the Annual Conference in Seville, Spain this May we will take a look at the KT landscape in Spain and discuss what to expect from the conference.

How to initiate a SIG?

Do you have a specialist interest, a burning issue, or a brilliant insight which you would like to share with the ASTP community? This guide book explains how you can initiate a Special Interest Group (SIG) with the help of HQ and your ASTP colleagues.

Download the Guide