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IP licensing does not, on the surface, seem complex but the devil is in the detail. The stakes are high as agreements can stretch on for years and it is easy to get it wrong. Join this course and learn how to avoid the pitfalls and explore the entire licensing lifecycle.

Why join this course

IP Licensing is an inherent part of every knowledge transfer role, whether structuring collaboration agreements (with embedded licenses) or strictly licensing to a business (or start-up) that wants to invest in and commercialise a technology for you. The process is not complex on the surface but there’s devil is in the detail and stakes are huge, with agreements can stretch years into the future. It is so easy to get it wrong; enabling licensees to wriggle out of paying royalties or by setting the wrong incentives up front.

In this highly interactive course, we will explore the entire licensing lifecycle; from the moment you apply for a patent (when the clock starts ticking) to the point where the first royalties (should) roll in. Along the way learn about technology marketing, due diligence, structuring license agreements, negotiation process, disputes and licensee auditing. Along the way you will become familiar with License Agreements. By using real cases to illustrate issues and recruiting seasoned practitioners and experienced professionals who have negotiated many complex license agreements - and seen them go wrong, you will be trained by the experts.

Who should attend?

This course targets knowledge transfer professionals in universities and PROs, particularly those whose role includes dealing with IP rights.

Attendees are expected to have some experience in negotiating license terms, enough for you to recognise when you are out-of-your-depth and may be getting things wrong, in which case you will get far more out of the scenarios and experts that we have assembled for the course.

Learning Objectives

  • How to market technologies to attract and secure potential licensees
  • How to value IP
  • What to do when things go wrong
  • How to negotiate licences to ensure a win-win situation

Course Topics

  • Setting objectives and strategy
  • Market research: finding a potential licensee
  • Using Template Agreements
  • Due diligence
  • Putting a value on your Intellectual Property
  • The strategic use of License Terms
  • Anatomy of a license agreement
  • Negotiation strategy – when to stand firm
  • Post-signature license management
  • Non-patent IP
  • Programme
  • Speakers
  • Venue


  • Wed 18 September 2024

    • 09:00 - 09:15    Course introduction

    • 09:15 - 10:15    Setting objectives and strategy

      In this session we examine our role in taking a technology from the moment we ‘discover’ it to the time when it is finally licensed. Using a real case study, we discuss what it is we, and the academics, are trying to achieve with an eventual licensing deal. What are the steps along the way and what is our role in making it happen?

      We take an example of a real, early-stage technology and ask how we would ‘advise’ the academics involved and how we would set out a roadmap that says who will do what with key milestones.

      We also identify those elements of the overall ‘process’ that we find the most complex and time-consuming, thereby setting a context for the course.

    • 10:15 - 10:45    Break

    • 10:45 - 11:45    Market research: finding a potential licensee

      Most KTOs patent many more inventions than they finally license. The most ambiguous, time-consuming and speculative part of our role is identifying potential licensees. We are never going to license all of our patents but a greater emphasis on proactively identifying and talking to potential licensees will improve the odds of success. In this session, we learn some useful approaches and methodologies for researching technology markets.

    • 11:45 - 12:30    Finding Licensees debrief + Using Template Agreements

      Where do licensees appear from – is marketing effective (if so, what methods) or do licensees approach you or result from current (e.g. research) relationships?

    • 12:30 - 13:30    Lunch

    • 13:30 - 14:30    Non-patent IP

      We tend to think that licensing revolves around patents. There are, however, many other types of ‘intellectual asset’ that can help a licensee to get a head start and fend-off potential future competitors. All of these have value, and can all be included in a license agreement, as long as the rights licensed are carefully circumscribed.

    • 14:30 - 15:00    Break

    • 15:00 - 16:00    Doing Due Diligence – uncovering compromised IP

      Universities and their academics seek funding from many sources - some informal - and are quite ‘porous’ places in terms of researchers flowing through their labs and openly talking about their research. With all this going on it’s possible to discover that don’t have the IP rights we need to enter into a license. At best you discover (and remedy) this before signing – at worst, problems surface much later, exposing the university to legal action. Sometimes DD issues can be showstoppers.

      In this session welcome someone who does IP DD for a living. He gives examples of what can go wrong and gives simple steps to prevent you landing your institution in hot water.

    • 16:00 - 17:00    The consequences of sloppy, amateurish deals

      A ‘wise’ deal is one that creates the right incentives and a fair return to all parties; prevents opportunistic behaviour and is future proof. There is no way of guaranteeing a deal, but there are ways in which you can be certain that a deal will go sour and need re-negotiation.

      Here we find out how to avoid 'foolish' deals and handle situations where, despite everything, the agreement needs to be revisited.

    • 19:30 - 22:00    Networking dinner

  • Thu 19 September 2024

    • 09:00 - 10:30    Placing a value on your Intellectual Property

      One of the most difficult issues we face is putting a value on our intellectual property. There are many different ways to do this, from rigorous ‘Discounted Cash Flow’ analysis to pure ‘horse trading’.

      The outcome and costs of IP commercialisation are inherently uncertain and so there is never going to be a fully deterministic approach to valuation but there are some methods and benchmarks that can strip out some of the ambiguity. In this session we explore and practice some of these methods.

    • 11:00 - 12:00    The strategic use of License Terms

      As soon as we start to talk to a potential licensee, we begin to make commitments and create ‘give and take’ understandings that we would like to see in an eventual license agreement.

      Many of these terms turn out to be fiendishly difficult or even impossible to convert into robust legalese. In this session, we attempt to convert some very reasonable needs into ‘fully contingent’ clauses and explore other (e.g. incentive based) mechanisms for achieving the same ends.

    • 12:00 - 13:00    Lunch

    • 13:00 - 14:30    Anatomy of a license agreement

      In this intensive session we explore the underlying structure and specific terms of a robust license agreement. We come to understand the purpose of each section of the agreement: what it is trying to achieve, the commercial issues being addressed, the alternative options, and what can go wrong if clauses are drafted casually or without understanding their implications. The underlying premise is that licensees will probably renege on badly-written agreements.

    • 14:30 - 15:00    Break

    • 15:00 - 16:30    Negotiation strategy – when to stand firm.

      The university (licensor) usually prepares the first draft of a License Agreement and sends it off. Sometime later we receive a marked-up response covered with red ink and accompanied by a letter explaining the reasonableness of all the changes. This is where the negotiation starts. We need to decide where we can give ground, where we have to stand firm and be willing to argue our position.

      In this session, we join one such negotiation when the initial response has been received, we must now decide how to respond.

    • 16:30 - 17:15    A few words on Pipeline Agreements

      Licensees are naturally concerned that an inventor of the licensed IP will likely continue to work in the same area and could come up with further technology (and patents) that improves on or undermines the original IP.

      To neutralise this possibility they often seek limited rights to future IP within the field and, seeing things from their perspective, we want to agree in principle.

      But should we? Many who have given rights to pipeline IP have lived to regret it. What are the dangers?

  • Fri 20 September 2024

    • 09:00 - 10:00    Post-signature license management

      We have all read the reporting/audit clauses in license agreements. But what should a royalty report state? When to think about an audit? How to prepare for an audit? What does it cost? How will your licensee react?

    • 10:00 - 10:30    Break

    • 10:30 - 11:30    How robust is the deal?

      The ink is dry, and we think we have cut a great deal: a lucrative mix of loyalty, milestones, and (sometimes) equity. Now relax and wait for the cash to pour in: well, if you are very lucky.

      Sadly, it is highly likely that commercialisation takes an unexpected path and you find that one or more of those revenue streams is threatened or re-negotiated.

      In this session, we study the case of a licensee seeking to ‘discuss’ the terms of the original license and, with the help of an expert panel, discuss what our response should be.

    • 11:30 - 12:30    Dirty Little Tricks in Licensing

      A light-hearted look at some of the tactics that are commonly used against us during license negotiations.

    • 12:30 - 12:45    Wrap up

    • 12:45 - 13:45    Lunch and farewell



Venue - UNAHOTELS Bologna San Lazzaro

Via Luigi Fantini 1, San Lazzaro di Savena, Bologna 40068, Italy

The room rate at UNA Hotel Lazzaro is Eur130.00 inclusive of breakfast.
Room rate is valid for the nights of 17, 18 & 19 September 2024. If you wish to stay longer, kindly email the hotel at Meetings.SanLazzaro@unahotels.it with ASTP is the subject.
The room is pre blocked up until 30th June 2024, after which  it will subject to availability.

Reservation can be made through these link.

Terms of payment*

100% prepayment upon confirmation by credit card; a payment link will be sent by the Hotel.

City tax and extras can be paid directly at the Hotel.

Terms of cancellation*

From the confirmation, the reservation is considered confirmed and will be charged in full;

Early departures/no show will be charged 100% of the total cost.

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What people say about us

ASTP corroborates the strong need for profound insights and exchanges on practices, instruments and competencies that cut across functional, organisational, institutional, sectorial and geographic boundaries.

Koenraad Debackere
Koenraad Debackere - KU Leuven, Belgium

What people say about us

I learned more in the training course for 3 days than I did in the last 3 months at my job. The lectures were informative & interesting.

Hanna Sonnig
Hanna Sonnig - Setterwalls Advokatbyrå, Sweden

What people say about us

Organisation and speakers were great, so enthusiastic about their work and very good at transferring their knowledge.

Sarka Bartova
Sarka Bartova - Research Centre Rez, Czech Republic

What people say about us

ASTP brought the right structure and terminology to my knowledge of technology licensing.

René Widmer
René Widmer - ETH Transfer, Switzerland

What people say about us

The course exceeded my expectations. We exchanged experiences and learned different options of approaches to existing problems.

Patricia Lima
Patricia Lima - Instituto Superior Technico, Portugal

What people say about us

Most relevant, interesting and practical training I have ever had, very interactive an multi-disciplinary. It makes an IMPACT.

Edith van Lishout
Edith van Lishout - KU Leuven, Belgium

What people say about us

ASTP Conference offers great networking and learning opportunities;  a chance to share knowledge with colleagues from various areas of expertise.

Bruno Woeran
Bruno Woeran - Merinova OY - TII President, Finland

What people say about us

International presence is amazing, so many countries, universities... represented here!!

Christian Massus
Christian Massus - SATT Aquitaine, France

What people say about us

As always, superb topics and inspirational speakers. Great networking. Well worth the time out of the office!!! Great work HQ, thank you.

Peter Deakin
Peter Deakin - Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

What people say about us

This course gives an in-depth understanding on managing contract portfolio, including research contracts, license agreements, and other collaboration agreements.

Ram Siddappa
Ram Siddappa - Erasmus MC, Netherlands

What people say about us

Most experienced technology transfer crew in the Europe.

Krzysztof Maternicki
Krzysztof Maternicki - Jan Dlugosz University, Poland

What people say about us

Just perfect 3 days full of information and perfect communication.

Petr Kubečka
Petr Kubečka - Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic

What people say about us

The course Software Specific Challenges is a must for every TTO/KTO professional, especially for those working with Social Sciences and Humanities!

Brechtje Vreenegoor
Brechtje Vreenegoor - Radboud University, Netherlands

What people say about us

Fruitful discussion.

Cecile Henrich-Burkhardt
Cecile Henrich-Burkhardt - Technical University of Munich, Germany

What people say about us

Technology transfer is ever changing and a key piece for the competitiveness of your institution, this course is an excellent tool to prepare yourself for that challenge.

Ricardo Castro
Ricardo Castro - Centre for research in agricultural Genomics, Spain

What people say about us

I am happy to be able to share my own experiences with other colleagues via various courses, and I enjoy every moment I can spend in this network. Proud to be part of the ASTP community!

Paul van Dun
Paul van Dun - KU Leuven, Belgium

What people say about us

Thank you for such enjoyable inspiring event, great choice of the lecturers!!!

Linda Ondrackova
Linda Ondrackova - University of Pardubice, Czech Republic

What people say about us

Recent studies on both sides of the Atlantic, directed by either ASTP or AUTM, demonstrate the tremendous economic and societal benefit and value technology transfer has brought us.

Koenraad Debackere
Koenraad Debackere - KU Leuven, Belgium

What people say about us

A lot of fruitful discussions with experienced peers. Very helpful sessions.

Sara Matt-Leubner
Sara Matt-Leubner - University of Innsbruck, Austria

What people say about us

The event had something to offer all members of the TT community from entry level to mid-career and beyond.

John Gleeson
John Gleeson - University of Limerick, Ireland

What people say about us

Was great to meet counterparts in my profession who may share my experiences, but who may also have other ideas and approaches.

Tim Moser
Tim Moser - Netherlands Cancer Institute, Netherlands

What people say about us

I had a great experience and met high profile professionals.

Antonio Menegatti
Antonio Menegatti - Politecnico di Milano, Italy

What people say about us

This was the right decision giving me the broadest overview, confidence, tools, network and support that is fundamental to feel right in my daily decision process and to keep on learning.

Ricardo Castro
Ricardo Castro - Centre for research in agricultural Genomics, Spain

What people say about us

The best opportunity to learn and discuss common issues and interests directly with peers.

Ian Nicoud
Ian Nicoud - LURIS, Netherlands

What people say about us

One very long and hard day, but very useful for my work in TTO.

Petr Kubečka
Petr Kubečka - Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic

What people say about us

Exciting training, even after almost 10 hours I am curious about more experience and knowledge.

Petr Suchomel
Petr Suchomel - Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic

What people say about us

The experts, the specific content and the informal setting will improve you as a professional.

Brechtje Vreenegoor
Brechtje Vreenegoor - Radboud Universteit, Netherlands

What people say about us

This course gives an in-depth understanding on managing contract portfolio, including research contracts, license agreements, and other collaboration agreements.

Ram Siddappa
Ram Siddappa - Erasmus MC, Netherlands

What people say about us

Perfect place to meet colleagues and share experiences on Technology Transfer.

Lidia Aguilera
Lidia Aguilera - University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

What people say about us

Good opportunity to discuss common issues with fellow professionals and to get updates about the community.

Giuseppe Visimberga
Giuseppe Visimberga - Leiden University, Netherlands

What people say about us

Perfect balance of learning and networking.

Smiljka Vikic-Topic
Smiljka Vikic-Topic - University of Zagreb, Croatia

What people say about us

ASTP has excellent courses to immerse yourself into the world of tech transfer.

Qing Cai
Qing Cai - Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

What people say about us

It was great to experience the uncomplicated and fruitful exchange with colleagues from all over Europe, as well as the positive professional spirit of this conference.

Franck Döbrich
Franck Döbrich - Universitat des Saarlandes WuT GmbH, Germany

What people say about us

ASTP Annual conference is a unique opportunity to take time to exchange best practices among TT professionals and to network at an EU level.

Cécile Cavalade
Cécile Cavalade - ULB TTO, Belgium

What people say about us

It is always encouraging to see that other TTOs are encountering the same problems that we do!

Aurore De Boom
Aurore De Boom - Université Libré de Bruxelle, Belgium

What people say about us

ASTP has attained a unique position that has turned it into a highly valued player on the global technology transfer scene.

Koenraad Debackere
Koenraad Debackere - KU Leuven, Belgium

What people say about us

Starting or changing any procedure at a TTO/Institution is challenging and I could not think of anything better than learning with the best.

Ricardo Castro
Ricardo Castro - Centre for research in agricultural Genomics, Spain

What people say about us

Excellent organisation, multifarious activities, great atmosphere… I can't say enough about how well it is tailored to the needs of technology transfer professions.

Tamara Čolić Milosavljević
Tamara Čolić Milosavljević - Centre of Technology Transfer - University of Belgrade, Serbia

What people say about us

This is a wonderful conference to expand the horizon of my knowledge of tech transfer and commercialisation.

Seung-Ho Lee
Seung-Ho Lee - Deltatech-Korea, South Korea

What people say about us

Three days of learning and networking in Dublin at ASTP annual conference. What a great event!!

Sandra Aresta
Sandra Aresta - CIBIO - Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos, Portugal

What people say about us

The new website signals this pioneering, resonating role and is a tribute to the many accomplishments and innovations European TTO’s have generated and implemented over many years, thus strengthening both our economy and society.

Koenraad Debackere
Koenraad Debackere - KU Leuven, Belgium

What people say about us

Great atmosphere to learn and to share experiences.

Maria Ruiz Novales
Maria Ruiz Novales - Interface-Enterprises - University of Liege, Belgium

What people say about us

Excellent professional gathering, perfect collection of topics and very up-to-date insight.

Ludovic Urgeghe
Ludovic Urgeghe - University of Mons, Belgium

What people say about us

Great networking, new knowledge and inspiration!

Jonas Rimbäck
Jonas Rimbäck - University of Gothenburg, Sweden

What people say about us

The software training filled in the many blanks and brought my 'fractioned' knowledge in a structured way. Very useful!

Ilse Sienaert
Ilse Sienaert - KU Leuven R&D, Belgium

What people say about us

A must-do for any staff involved in technology transfer and start-up creation.

Frederic Ratel
Frederic Ratel - Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia, Spain

What people say about us

ASTP's conference helped us to network with decision-makers in the technology transfer industry and provides a great platform to discuss future innovation in this sector.

Christopher Römer
Christopher Römer - Inventtory, Germany

What people say about us

Always simply inspiring! That is ASTP.

Filip Auinger
Filip Auinger - Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic

What people say about us

From day one ASTP has been a tremendous help. Learning throughs seminars and workshops or meeting peers for discussions, there is always someone around to exchange ideas with.

Paul van Dun
Paul van Dun - KU Leuven, Belgium

What people say about us

I strongly recommend the course, even if you are not going to set-up an office but you are part of the team that wants to change or improve how technology transfer is done at your institution.

Ricardo Castro
Ricardo Castro - Centre for research in agricultural Genomics, Spain

What people say about us

I really like the course and the networking. I would like to come again.

Nancy Goel
Nancy Goel - Qatar Foundation, Qatar

What people say about us

This course offers an opportunity to meet likeminded people, share tips and tricks, and dive into different approaches to help you set up and improve KTO processes.

Brechtje Vreenegoor
Brechtje Vreenegoor - Radboud University, Netherlands

What people say about us

Great networking and learning opportunities to share knowledge with colleagues from their various areas of expertise.

Bruno Woeran
Bruno Woeran - Merinova OY - TII President, Finland

What people say about us

There was ample opportunity to learn from colleagues through the workshop sessions or more formally through speakers either sharing their years of experience or their state of the art research. Well worth attending.

John Gleeson
John Gleeson - University of Limerick, Ireland

What people say about us

The expert-panel discussion educated me in strategic and meritorious choice of inventions to approach investors and manage investment funds for establishing a spin off.  

Ram Siddappa
Ram Siddappa - Erasmus MC, Netherlands

What people say about us

Working and Learning with old and new friends – best way to do it!

Sara Matt-Leubner
Sara Matt-Leubner - University of Innsbruck, Austria

What people say about us

The software course has provided invaluable information as our TTO expands to take on software cases.

Tom Withnell
Tom Withnell - University of Vienna, Austria