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Tea with ASTP: Dos and Don’ts of working with Patent Attorneys

Dos and Don’ts of working with Patent Attorneys – How to get the best value for Universities, Research Institutes and Spin-outs.In this webinar, Achim shared a few lessons and important points on how to get the most value out of your working relationship.



Tea with ASTP: Forget the guesstimate

Forget the guesstimate: a statistics-based approach to royalty structuring and quantifying



Tea with ASTP: The Three Dimensions of Entrepreneurship

In this webinar, Russell Smith shared the three frameworks of enterprise, environment and entropy that now comprise what has become known as the ‘New Standard Model’ for business or “The Three Dimensions of Entrepreneurship". Professor Smith an author of the newly release work, The Three Dimensions of Entrepreneurship.

  • Aimed at: Academic leaders at research centres, TTO & KTO Directors


Tea with ASTP: Stretching the Patent Prosecution Dollar

This panel discussed intellectual property Procurement Strategies and Considerations for AMCs and Research Universities. Including: Building a patent portfolio using various cost-effective tools; what corporations value when partnering with universities; Building an intellectual property portfolio from a start-up

  • Aimed at: Academic leaders at research centres, TTO & KTO Directors


Tea with ASTP: Student IP Policy

In this webinar Jeff Skinner leads an exploration of the vexed issue of Student IP. He focuses on two aspects, the policy itself and how agreements are reached with students. Both elements are critical: no matter how clear (and generous) the policy, it is often the process that gets in the way.

  • Aimed at: Academic leaders at research centres, TTO & KTO Directors