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Digital Innovations SIG: World Lunch #8

Brechtje Vreenegoor is manager of the KTO Wageningen University and Research. She discussed ‘servitisation’ of open-source models. Numerous models are being valorised in different ways, but it is difficult to advise researchers on what they should do. Why does something work one time and not another? And do we even know what works: how do we determine success?



Digital Innovations SIG: World Lunch #7

A few years ago, the Max Planck Society introduced a partially standardised licensing model for spin-offs. The model includes a 10% stake of Max Planck in the companies and, in some cases, milestone payments or royalties. The model has proved to be successful in most cases. Only in the start-up projects, which are solely based on software code the model was sometimes considered unfair by the founders. The Max Planck Society has since then revised the model for these special technologies again...



Digital Innovations SIG: World Lunch #6

With Laura Spinardi, Head of Technology Transfer Office, Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico di Milano, we discussed the challenges of managing data in digital clinical research: not just the privacy/personal data issues, but also data management and data sharing within collaborative research projects, using data for machine learning and training, and the ease or difficulty of transferring data in licensing and spin out opportunities.



Digital Innovations SIG: World Lunch #5

Michiel Hulsbergen is CEO and founder of DialogueTrainer. In this edition of the Digital Innovation SIG World Lunch, Michiel shared the challenges he has faced setting up and running the company. As a spin-out from the Utrecht University, how did he navigate the issues of IP, funding and commercial development?



Digital Innovations SIG: World Lunch #4

Quantum computing is one of the next big technologies. Robert Harrison, who is also a Board Member of the European Quantum Industry Consortium, explains how to gain an understanding of the physics and maths behind quantum computing and the IP rights involved.



Openness, IPR and Technology Transfer

This webinar aims to clarify the differences between “open” practices and policies and to show that openness is not incompatible with IP protection or commercial exploitation. The focus on “open” requirements will be in the context of the EC’s Horizon Europe funding programme, and the implications for TTOs.



KEVRI: the smarter way to translate knowledge into impact

In this dynamic session, Corin and Natalie provide valuable insights about fostering collaborations between universities and businesses to drive innovation. Learn about best practices and real-world use cases. Discover how KEVRI can streamline workflows, enhance collaboration, and drive results.



Morning Plenary | Transforming Technology Transfer

During this insightful session, Alastair Banks presented the numerous ways Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming technology transfer and how KTOs and TTOs should consider using it in their everyday activities. The session thoroughly explores tools like ChatGPT and LinkedIn Sales Navigator.



Digital Innovations World Lunch #3

Speaker, Koen Verhoef, will be discussing conceptual and procedural aspects of providing such data access and will share details on the commercial terms of a number contracts that we have negotiated with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning companies. As this is a relatively new aspect that KTOs are dealing with, we aim to make this an interactive session and hope that participants are willing to share their own experiences on this topic.



Tea with ASTP: Glimpses of the Spanish landscape, get set for 2024

Welcome to the new year and the first Tea with ASTP of 2024. As we prepare for the Annual Conference in Seville, Spain this May we will take a look at the KT landscape in Spain and discuss what to expect from the conference.



Digital Innovations SIG: World Lunch #2, Digital Start-ups

Malcolm Bain and Florian Kirschenhofer, two of the coordinators of the DI SIG discuss specific challenges for digital start-ups, including IP identification, protection and licensing models, business models, key issues for tech transfer agreements, and ongoing collaboration with university.