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Art Bos

Art Bos


Head of Business Development and Knowledge Transfer, Erasmus Research Services

Following a successful career with IXA VU/VUmc, Amsterdam,  in 2021 Art commenced his new role Head of Business Development and Knowledge Transfer, Erasmus Research Services, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Prior to joining IXA, Art worked as Director Knowledge Partnering for Leiden University and Leiden University Medical Center in their joint TTO, Luris. Art has a master in Astronomy and Science Based Business from Leiden University. He now has over  10 years experience in Technology Transfer, Business Development and Licensing. He fully enjoys supporting scientists in initiating and shaping relationships with companies and other societal partners. He is also passionate about supporting teams spinning-out technologies into new businesses. In his previous positions, Art has supported projects from both the Natural Sciences and the Social Science and Humanities. 

Areas of expertise: Setting up collaborative projects, Intellectual Property, Licensing, Business Planning.

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  • Art Bos


    Head of Business Development and Knowledge Transfer, Erasmus Research Services