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Starting, financing and building life science technology to success

The development of life science technologies typically involve long timelines and stringent regulatory hurdles, which in combination result in a high investment capital need. In contrast, the financial and societal reward can be tremendous in case of success.



Processes and requirements with respect to spin-out company formation

While the IP Office recognizes that the specifics of any start-up company development may be unique, it has identified a number of common elements and the IP Office has developed standard mechanisms and support structures to assist with this process.



Practices, policies and possibilities in licensing in Human Genetics

This document starts from the observation that in tandem with rapid advances in biotechnology research having valuable applications for use in healthcare the Canadian technology transfer activity has grown significantly.



Fact sheet: IP Joint Ownership

This document is interesting reference document for those involved in negotiating and drafting agreements governing collaborations between research institutes.



Creating a start-up: Valuing intellectual property and skills

This presentation provides an overview of the elements generally considered by each of the parties involved in the discussion on the relative value of the transferred intellectual property and know how at the time of the incorporation of a start-up company.



Creating a start-up: Minimising failure rates

This presentation provides an overview of the elements to consider while a start-up project moves towards incorporation in order to minimize the risk of failure.



Creating a start-up: Evaluating the 'success' of a company

Many different aspects determine whether a start-up company is a success. Furthermore, the perception of success depends on the point of view and the particular involvement of the party assessing the success.



Material Transfer Agreement Forms

The Research and Innovation Services of the University of Dundee has developed incoming and outgoing MTA forms that researchers need to fill out in order to make sure that the technology transfer services are well informed when processing the MTA’s.



The IP Teaching Kit

This free IP Teaching Kit of the EPO provides academic teaching staff with a unique collection of PowerPoint slides, speaking notes and background information on all the main types of intellectual property (IP).



IDEA++ program at Lund University

Lund University is the second oldest university in Sweden, founded in 1666. With nearly 50,000 students and a staff of 7,500 it is also the biggest, covering every field of academic research.

  • Aimed at: TTO/Researcher
  • University: Lund University (Sweden)
  • TTO: LU Innovation System


The partnership between High-Tech Gründerfonds and German Universities

The High-Tech Gründerfonds (henceforth HTGF) is a public-private venture capital investment company founded in 2005 and based in Bonn. HTGF is an early stage seed investor that primarily focuses on high potential high-technology start-ups.

  • Aimed at: TTOs/PROs/Investors
  • University: High-Tech Gründerfonds
  • TTO: Various TTOs


The Innova Programme at Polytechnic University of Valencia

The Polytechnic University of Valencia is a Spanish University focused on Science and Technology. As a University, it was founded in 1971. Nowadays, it has 40,000 students enrolled and an academic staff of 2,600.

  • Aimed at: TTO/Researcher/Industry
  • University: Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) (Spain)
  • TTO: UPV CTT - Innova Spain