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Strategies for Strengthening Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in KT

In April 2022, ASTP hosted its first international meeting on Strategies for Strengthening Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in KT. Hosted by ASTP Board member, Anji Miller, she was joined by Maxine Ficarra of ParxisAuril, Megan Aanstoos of Kentucky Commercialization Ventures (KCV), May Low of Kiwi Innovation Network Limited, and Intan Hamdan-Livramento of WIPO.



Tea with ASTP : Key success factors for technology transfer

The meeting with reflections on the work of the European project ProgressTT, on the key success factors (KSF’s) for technology transfer, and the role of the research institution's management and the TTO office.

  • Aimed at: working practices, case studies


Tea with ASTP: Creating Successful Collaborations

In this Tea with ASTP, two KT veterans Jeff Skinner and Christophe Haunold, shared their experiences of developing successful collaborations, highlighting routes to success and pitfalls to avoid.



Guiding principles for knowledge valorisation

Stakeholder consultation on the guiding principles for knowledge valorisation: report of the results.



EPO in the TT Landscape

This webinar cast a light on EPO's technology transfer initiatives and its future plans. The role played by the cooperation with organisations such as ASTP in this context is essential.

  • Aimed at: Academic leaders at research centres, TTO & KTO Directors