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Tea with ASTP: Dos and Don’ts of working with Patent Attorneys

Dos and Don’ts of working with Patent Attorneys – How to get the best value for Universities, Research Institutes and Spin-outs.In this webinar, Achim shared a few lessons and important points on how to get the most value out of your working relationship.



ASTP-EU Forum #6 | Fall 2023

The 6th ASTP- EU Forum continues the dialogue between European knowledge/technology transfer professionals and staff of the European Commission. At this free online event, the participants had the opportunity to hear directly from senior Commission staff working on initiatives which directly impact the innovation landscape: ERA Action 17, ResearchComp, and the EU "Patent Package".



ASTP-EU Forum #5 | Spring 2023

The Unit for Valorisation policies and IPR shared with us updates on the recently adopted policies and tools as well as the next developments in knowledge valorisation. The ERC presented the results of a new study revealing how frontier research spurs patented inventions. The EIC provided further insight on the Transition Open funding scheme and on the role of technology transfer to support funded projects. Finally, for the first time we hosted a representative of the unit in charge of innovation policy and access to finance who presented the New European Innovation Agenda. The Forum offers plenty of opportunities to stay up to date on the European policy context and to interact with policymakers and peers operating in the world of knowledge transfer!



Tea with ASTP: Managing Open Source software in academia

In this webinar, Mauro Lattuada explored some practical issues about sharing software in Open Source in academia and the role of the TTOs relating to IP valorisation in connection to Open Source.



Tea with ASTP: The value of human knowledge in the era of AI

AI literacy could help us to understand appropriate and inappropriate uses of Generative AI, and to assert the value of human knowledge in the era of AI.



Tea with ASTP: Preparing inventors for commercialisation

We all want more deals and start-ups, better metrics and more impact. How do we accomplish it, especially on a limited budget?



Openness, IPR and Technology Transfer

This webinar aims to clarify the differences between “open” practices and policies and to show that openness is not incompatible with IP protection or commercial exploitation. The focus on “open” requirements will be in the context of the EC’s Horizon Europe funding programme, and the implications for TTOs.



What's in store for women in innovation?

In this intriguing episode with three outstanding female talents, Camilla Carrapatoso, Emily Devonald and Anji Miller will discuss and share their experiences and challenges of working in and with innovation.