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New Professionals Forum Meeting #2

At the second bi-monthly New Professionals SIG in April 2022, welcomed ASTP Board member Anji Miller to discuss "How to develop your skills and professional contacts"

  • Aimed at: New Professionals,


New Professionals SIG Meeting #1

The newly established New Professionals Special Interest Group instigated their first meeting in February 2022. This is a recording of their first meeting, with special guest Alessandra Baccigotti outline the road to professional accreditation with ATTP.

  • Aimed at: New Professionals,


Tea With ASTP: Horizon Europe Networking Platforms

Many knowledge transfer officers support consortium building for Horizon Europe collaboration projects. This webinar outlines the tools for finding expertise beyond their, and their researchers, networks. Watch to learn more about how to use these platforms for matchmaking between academic scientists and companies.



Study highlights economic benefits of owning IP rights

Released by the EPO and the EUIPO, this study shows that companies which own at least one patent, registered design or trade mark generate on average 20% higher revenues per employee than companies which do not own any of those intellectual property rights (IPRs).

  • Aimed at: Academic leaders at research centres, TTO & KTO Directors , SMEs
  • University: EPO report


Tea with ASTP: Frugal Innovations

Frugal Innovation is the art of developing solutions by “doing more with less" creating more aggregate value for a client while reducing energy, waste, complexity, time and capital of a product. Hear Allan Báez Morales, Director of Programs and Partnerships at the Frugal Innovation Hub, University of Santa Clara, Ca.



The 'Entrepreneurs in Transit' at University of Manchester

The University of Manchester Intellectual Property (UMIP) was established in 2004 as the University’s agent for intellectual property management and commercialisation.

  • Aimed at: TTOs
  • University: The University of Manchester (United Kingdom)
  • TTO: The University of Manchester Intellectual Property (UMIP)


Research and Development Collaborations training

“You don’t have to make all the mistakes yourself” - this September’s raft of ASTP-Proton training courses are lining up to make a real impact on the professional development and network community of the participants.