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New Professionals Forum #5

Session on ‘Intellectual Property and Protection/Licensing thereof in Technology Transfer’ from Denise Mayfield (Dykema) who discusses patenting challenges, strategies and the importance of well structured Invention Disclosure Forms.



New Professionals Forum #7

Freddy Guemeni is Head of IP services, University of Manchester Innovation Factory. Freddy has more than 10 years experience in intellectual property management, helping to drive progress and innovation in research. His broad experience includes roles at the National Institute for Health Research and Imperial Innovations. He is also a guest lecturer at multiple universities, including Imperial College London.



New Professionals Forum #6: roles within the KT/TT

This Special Interest Group (SIG) helps new professionals navigate the diverse set of opportunities and resources available to them in the K/TT field to successfully support their professional development.



Digital Innovations SIG: World Lunch #2, Digital Start-ups

Malcolm Bain and Florian Kirschenhofer, two of the coordinators of the DI SIG discuss specific challenges for digital start-ups, including IP identification, protection and licensing models, business models, key issues for tech transfer agreements, and ongoing collaboration with university.



Tea with ASTP: How to tell your best story

Philip Grother learned the hard way how to get his message across simply and effectively, whilst raising funds, generating business, and exchanging with colleagues, partners and clients. Philip has been working with TTOs coaching and advising them on public speaking with a highlight on entrepreneurship.

  • Aimed at: New Professionals,


"Green" Tea with ASTP

Plastic Omnium organised an Open Innovation Challenge in partnership with SoScience. Its objective was to accelerate innovation leveraging collective intelligence through an open innovation approach. The benefits of an open innovation approach were discussed in this webinar with the ASTP community.

  • Aimed at: New Professionals,


Digital Innovations SIG: World Lunch #1, Open Source

This first edition of the Digital Innovations SIG's Online World Lunch discussed Open Science and Open-Source policies of universities. Increasingly result in academic software are published under a Free Open-Source Software (FOSS) license.

  • Aimed at: Digital Innovators, Sofware specialists
  • TTO: TTO


Agrifood SIG Launch meeting

With around one-third of global GHG emissions coming from the food system, transforming food production and consumption is critical to tackling the climate crisis. Against rising pressure from worsening climate change and other stressors, it is now more important than ever to build an agrifood innovation ecosystem.

  • Aimed at: Agricultural technology
  • TTO: TTO