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Susanne den Boer Beckers

Susanne den Boer Beckers

Senior adviser in Research Data Management - The University of Copenhagen , Denmark

Senior adviser in Research Data Management, Department of Research and Information Security, The University of Copenhagen

Susanne is senior adviser in research data management at the University of Copenhagen. She is responsible for the university’s policy for research data management, advises researchers and projects in how to implement good data management practice and develops courses and workshops on the topic. She is member of a national reference group under the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science that is tasked to coordinate the implementation of the Danish strategy for research data management based on the FAIR principles at the Danish universities. 

Susanne is Dutch and has a background in research. She obtained a MSc degree in biology from Utrecht University and PhD degree in evolutionary biology from the University of Copenhagen. She has previously worked as post-doctoral fellow at the universities of Copenhagen and Western Australia.  

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