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Otomar Sláma

Otomar Sláma

Chairman of the Board - Charles University Innovations Prague , Czech Republic

Charles University Innovations Prague a.s.

Director of Charles University Innovations Prague s.r.o. (Ltd.) – a wholly owned subsidiary of Charles University founded in 2018. The goal of the company is to transfer knowledge and technology created at the Charles University to the real life.

Otomar graduated in Public Policy in Research, Development, and Innovation. He holds a Master’s degree in International Relations and European Studies, MBA with a specialisation in Entrepreneurship and Business and is currently a Ph.D. candidate.

He was the second person in the Czech Republic to receive the prestigious RTTP (Registered Technology Transfer Professional) certification from the global ATTP alliance.

For years he has been lecturing on starting a business, creation of business plans, and establishing of spin-off companies both in the Czech Republic and abroad. He has experience from the private sector where he has founded and managed several companies.

His greatest professional achievements include an establishment of two very successful spin-off companies – Charles University Innovation Prague itself, which is one of its kind among Czech universities, and GeneSpector s.r.o. founded together with commercial partners to help fight against COVID-19. GeneSpector aims to solve the problem of constrained PCR testing capacities of commercial labs and hospitals and within the first three months on the market, it generated a financial turnover of 5 million EUR, successfully expanded abroad, and is now preparing for exit.

Otomar has a wife, two children, and a dog and beside them, he also loves martial arts and motorcycles.

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