As part of the Vice-Rectorate Art | Research, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Mag. Dr. Georg Russegger is responsible for knowledge-transfer. Since 2014 he is working as project-leader for the Social Sciences, Humanities and the Arts (SSHA) sector at the Centre for Knowledge Transfer East.
The Knowledge Transfer Centre East (WTZ Ost) is a platform to promote vivid and trans-disciplinary exchange between science, business and society. One of our main tasks is to support the communication of new findings, research results, technologies, inventions and know-how, and to strengthen meaningful synergies between universities. In addition to the traditional responsibilities of research and teaching, the ‘Third Mission’ of the university, the transfer of academic knowledge to society and the economy, is gaining more attention. Professional knowledge transfer drives the economic application of research results and simultaneously creates a sustainable dialogue with society and industry. Utilising projects on relevant technological, economic, creative, and social topics we aim to achieve results on a regional level whilst simultaneously building an international network.
Within the SSHA sector of the Knowledge Transfer Centre East we aim at addressing knowledge transfer in the areas of art and arts-based research, as well as the humanities, social and cultural sciences. Professional support from and for the inter-university framework is provided by trainings, coaching and capacity building activities. We look for alternative exploitation of knowledge, inter- and trans-disciplinary transfer and open innovation with public value and societal impact.
In total there are three Austrian Knowledge Transfer Centres (South, East and West), as well as the thematic centre in the life science sector called “Wings for Innovation” funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy.

Georg Russegger
Cécile Cavalade
Business Development Manager, ULB-TTO, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Alessandra Baccigotti
Chair of the Europe CommitteeKnowledge Transfer Manager, Intellectual Property Protection Unit of the Knowledge…
Maria Martshenko
Senior Specialist in Product Innovation at Tallinn University, School of Natural…
Ingrid Hindrikson
Expert of Business Partnership at Tallinn University, Centre of Knowledge Transfer…
Mari-Liis Leinus
Head of Testing Laboratory of Chemical Analysis at Institute of Natural Sciences…
Laura Furlong
Laura is one of the co-founders and CSO of MedBioinformatics Solutions SL.
Krystian Gurba
Deputy Director, Centre for Technology Transfer CITTRU, Jagiellonian University in…
Signe Ratso
Deputy Director-General and a member of the Management Board of the Directorate-General…
Nadežda Kongi
Associate Professor at the University of Tartu
Mart Maasik
Head of Entrepreneurship at the University of Tartu, Estonia
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