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Charlotte Kammer Garde

Charlotte Kammer Garde

Head of IP - Novo Nordisk Foundation, Denmark

Since March 2022 Charlotte Kammer Garde has been Head of IP at the Novo Nordisk Foundation. The Novo Nordisk Foundation is an independent foundation with corporate interests that supports scientific, humanitarian and social causes.

Charlotte Kammer Garde obtained a MSc. in Chemical Engineering in 1998 from the Technical University of Denmark, holds a Bachelor of Business Administration and became a European Patent Attorney from the University of Strasbourg in 2006. She further received a Diploma in European Patent Litigation in 2015 also from the University of Strasbourg.

She has worked with IP for more than 20 years; first at the Danish Biotech company Novozymes A/S for almost 15 years as a Patent Attorney working on all aspects of patent handling and the last 6 years mainly focusing on cross border litigation, thereafter she joined Christian Hansen A/S, another Danish biotech company, heading up their Global Patent Operations department and working as IP business partner including focus on collaboration with Danish universities.

As Head of IP at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Charlotte has taken part in building an IP function and formulate and implement an IP strategy for the Foundation, including identifying how the Foundation may support the Danish universities within IP.

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