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Mohammad Boroun

Mohammad Boroun

Business Developer - European Research & Innovation Support VUB | Vrije University Brussels, Belgium

As a Business Developer at VUB TechTransfer, Mohammad help professors and researchers navigate the complex world of European funding and secure the financial support they need to bring their ideas to life.

Mohammad Boroun has acquired both bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Electrical engineering. His research was focused on energy technologies, in particular battery systems. After completing his studies, he worked as a research assistant at Computational Nano Electronic Lab(CNL) for two years. From there, Mohammad moved on to work as Modeling Engineer at Avesta Battery and Energy Engineering where involved in several H2020 projects.

Now, he serves as a Business Developer at VUB TechTransfer, helping professors and researchers navigate the complex world of European funding and secure the financial support they need to bring their ideas to life. Also, he is a program manager of the H2020 impact programme.

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