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Judit Csere

Judit Csere

Enterprise & Intellectual Property Officer at St George's - University of London, UK

Judit Csere is a passionate scientist, a technology transfer professional and a keen advocate of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI). 

She has a PhD in Molecular Oncology from the Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University London, an MSc in Nanomedicine from Swansea University, and an undergraduate degree in Environmental Biology from Edinburgh Napier University. During her PhD she investigated how small extracellular vesicles secreted by pancreatic cancer cells facilitate disease progression through altering the tumour microenvironment. During her final year as a PhD researcher she trained as a technology transfer professional through the AUTM-LifeArc fellowship, and took up a short internship at the Enterprise and Innovation Office at St George`s, University London (SGUL). 

Currently she is the Innovation and Intellectual Property Officer at SGUL responsible for the strategic maintenance and administration of SGUL`s intellectual property, collecting and managing the University`s Knowledge Exchange (KE) data, and liaising with the academic community. Judit takes on an active role in promoting equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in the KE community as an AUTM EDI committee member, and as a member of the SGUL postgraduate EDI working group.

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