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David Maes

David Maes

Research Valorisation Manager - KU Leuven, Netherlands

David has 20 years of experience in technology transfer. Initially at Imec, the Flemish Strategic Research Center on Microelectronics, and latterly at KU Leuven the University of Leuven, Belgium.

In his current job as Research Valorisation Manager at the MICAS research division of the Department of Electrical Engineering at KU Leuven, he is responsible for all technology transfer activities at MICAS, including industrial research collaborations, IP strategy and venturing.

MICAS focuses on research on the design and implementation of integrated circuits and systems. It consists of a team of 6 professors, around 60 researchers and 10 support people. The division considers it very important to generate both academic and socio-economic impact. This is reflected in the number of scientific papers in top level journals and conferences, and in the many industrial collaborations and spin-off initiatives.

David received a M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering at KU Leuven and postgraduate degrees in Corporate Finance and Business Administration from the same university.

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