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Christophe Haunold

Christophe Haunold

Immediate Past President

Head of Partnerships, Knowledge & Technology Transfer Office - University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Christophe Haunold is the President of ASTP 2022-23, elected by the members during ASTP annual conference, Lisbon, May 2022. He has previously served the association as Vice-President and Chair of the Impact and Survey Committee. 

Christophe is the Head of the central office for Partnerships, Knowledge and Technology Transfer at the University of Luxembourg. He was until May 2020, TTO Director at Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse and a manager at Toulouse Tech Transfer, one of the Tech Transfer companies (SATT) dedicated to French public research. The blueprint of this company in 2012 has been his responsibility as he was Toulouse University’s TTO Director.

He was the president of the C.U.R.I.E network (French association for public research valorisation) between 2011 and 2014. 

He has been educated as a Chemical Engineer (1987), and holds a PhD (1991, Toulouse INP).

Dr Haunold has been working in the field of industrial liaison and public research commercialisation for 29 years, as an expert, a Director and a TT Officer.

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  • Christophe Haunold

    Immediate Past President

    Head of Partnerships, Knowledge & Technology Transfer Office - University of Luxembourg,…

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